Empower your academic team

Tools that allow your staff to spend more time on what they’re best at

Clipboard graphic

teacher timesheets

By combining information about class times and staffing Elsieapp allows you to automatically record hours and minutes of teaching time.

Record additional activities such as extracurricular trips and overtime directly into online teacher time sheets

Feed reports directly to your payroll team for processing - eliminating the need for any separate time-sheets and expenses.

manage classes

Define the capacity of your available rooms - understand room usage make sure you don’t overbook classes

Set the start times and duration of all your school sessions

Automatically or manually allocate students to their classes each week: individually or by bulk.

Clock graphic

Register graphic

teacher portal

Let teachers see key information about their students for that week: names, ages and nationalities

Generate printable registers for the week or use online registers to record attendance directly into the system - minimising paper and duplication of effort

academic Reporting

Student attendance can be a critical visa condition. Monitor and report on individual student attendance and identify trends across your school, alerting to you to any possible issue before it becomes a problem.

Class lists and summaries let you see and share high level data about who’s teaching, who’s attending - where and when do people need to be in class.

Reporting graphic

multiple certificates graphic

bulk certificates

Take some of the pressure away from graduation - automatically generate customised certificates for all your leavers.

Certificates can be based on course completion, study hours or any other course aspect.

Certificates are stored into a database and can be instantly edited or re-generated for individuals as well as whole groups